Just FYI!, This is in another ball park it is so far out there!, This Is Just Such A Good Thing I Had To Pass It On

GMO studies reveal that 18 million Americans suffer from gluten and GMO toxicity – NaturalNews.com

“Get a glimpse into several GMO studies that you won’t hear about on TV, or read about in the newspapers, that explain how most conventional food gets processed and “fortified” with genetically modified ingredients that cause cancer? Take a look at the countries around the world that are screaming “NO!” to GMO. Countries all over the world ban GMO because of studies like the following:”

via GMO studies reveal that 18 million Americans suffer from gluten and GMO toxicity – NaturalNews.com.

This is what happens when Monsanto is not paying for the study, or paying the politician that orders it:  T R U T H. GMO- Genetically Modified Organism.  I do not want to eat salmon or inherent poison as pesticides when I eat a tomato.  If it is GMO you may, though. PLEASE read the article in the link above.  For your sake.


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